
June Eye Health Observances include Firework Eye Safety and Cataract Awareness!

Firework Eye Safety Month

Many Americans celebrate Independence Day by spending hundreds of millions of dollars annually on consumer fireworks. These fireworks cause more than 9,000 injuries a year! Since the Fourth of July holiday is just weeks away, Advanced Eyecare Optometry is reminding the public that fireworks are not toys but incendiary devices that can cause devastating eye injuries.Please be safe and wear eye protection when necessary.

Cataract Awareness Month

Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness in the U.S. If left untreated, cataracts can lead to blindness. The longer cataracts are left untreated, the more difficult it can be to successfully remove the cataract and restore vision. During the month of June, Advanced Eyecare Optometry reminds the public that early detection and treatment of cataracts is critical to preserving sight. Be sure to schedule regular eye exams!

Advanced Eyecare Optometry

We take Eye Health Observances seriously. At Advanced Eyecare Optometry, the doctors are thoroughly trained in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of vision disorders and eye disease. We utilize state-of-the art equipment to facilitate the early detection and management of eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataract which helps preserve your vision!Examinations also include the detection and treatment of eye muscle imbalance, poor eye coordination and reduced focusing ability, which are common problems among children and 40+ year olds.When indicated, the doctors fit any contact lenses required, including specialty lenses for astigmatism, monovision, (simultaneous far and near vision), or bifocal needs, as well as colored contact lenses for those who desire a “different look”.If you are interested in laser eye surgery, (LASIK), the doctors will determine if you are a good candidate, and will provide the pre- and post-op management to insure a good outcome for this procedure.


For more helpful eye care and vision care tips, please visit our main blog page.

Source: aao.org

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