
December is Safe Toy and Celebrations Month. Accidents involving children and toys occur far too frequently and can result in eye injuries. Toys cause serious eye injuries, even blindness, to thousands of children aged 14 and under each year. When considering  safe toys you can protect your child’s eyes from injuries while playing with toys in three ways:

  • Only buy toys meant for their age.
  • Show them how to safely use their toys.
  • Keep an eye on them while they’re playing.

Guidelines for Safe Toys Selection

Before you buy a toy, consider the following:

  • Read all of the warnings and instructions on the package.
  • Consider whether the toy is appropriate for your child’s age and ability.
  • Toys with sharp or rigid points, spikes, rods, or dangerous edges should be avoided.
  • Children’s sunglasses should have their lenses and frames checked because many can break and cause injuries.
  • Purchase toys that will withstand impact without shattering into dangerous shards.
  • Find the letters “ASTM.”
  • This means that the product meets the American Society for Testing and Materials’ national safety standards (ASTM).
  • Toys that shoot or have parts that fly off should be avoided.
  • Keep in mind that BB guns are NOT toys.

Before allowing children to play with toys, make the following checks:

  • Inspect toys to ensure they are safe and sturdy.
  • Describe how to use the toy.
  • Toys that are broken should be repaired or discarded.


  • Keep young children away from older children’s toys.
  • Keep an eye on your children while they are playing..
  • To avoid risks or falls, properly store toys after play.
  • Children’s craft projects should be supervised (scissors and glue can be extremely hazardous to a child’s eyesight).
  • Wear appropriate sports eye protection for your children (face shields, helmets, eyeguards).

For more helpful eye care and vision care tips, please visit our main blog page.


Image by sobima from Pixabay