April is Sports Eye Safety Month. Every year nearly 30,000 eye injuries from sports are treated in emergency rooms each year. On the plus side, 90% of serious eye injuries can be prevented by wearing the right eye protection.
Prevention and Treatment
Many different sports have different levels of eye injury risk. Be sure to wear the right type of eyewear for the sport you are playing. Your regular eyeglasses do not offer proper eye protection and in many cases can make matters worse.
During games or activities that involve projectiles or sharp objects where injury is a possibility be sure to be careful! If you have an eye injury be sure to seek medical attention immediately to help prevent further damage.
Vision Loss in One Eye
If you are already dealing with vision loss or reduced vision be sure to consider whether the risk is worth injury to your other eye before getting involved. Check with your eye doctor to get appropriate eye wear and learn whet to do and not do,
Spectator’s Eye Safety
Many spectator’s at sporting events can be in harms way. Be careful around balls, bats and players that could end up in the stands. Keep your eyes on the game!
For more helpful eye care and vision care tips, please visit our main blog page.
Source: aao.org
Image by bottomlayercz0 from Pixabay