
Do you worry about the health effects of blue light emitting from screens?

More people are wearing blue light glasses for just that reason! Blue light glasses that contain lenses that partially block short-wave blue light. Research has not confirmed whether or not blue light-emitting devices are damaging to eyes and vision. And experts are unsure whether or not wearing special glasses can help prevent any potential damage due to long-term exposure to screens.

What are blue light glasses?

They are glasses that manufacturers claim can filter out blue light. The glasses have filtering materials or surface coatings on the lenses that block a portion of blue light emissions. People who think that their eye and vision symptoms are due to blue light exposure may wear them to decrease their exposure to it.

What is Blue Light?

Blue light itself is a short-wave blue light in the spectrum of colors visible to the human eye. Its wavelength is in the blue portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is roughly 400–500 nanometers (nm). Researchers believe that peak light damage occurs roughly at 440 nm. Computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and general lighting can all expose the eyes to blue light.

The Purpose of BL Glasses

With the increased use of light-emitting diodes (LED), organic LED, and active-matrix organic LED in technology, people now have chronic exposure to blue light. Experts cannot rule out a yet undiscovered risk of chronic, day-long exposure to LED and blue light.

Experts suggest that the low levels of blue light emitted from devices are not hazardous, even with prolonged exposure. A 2017 systematic review suggests that there is not enough evidence to support the potential benefits of blue light glasses, and some advertisers have received fines for making misleading claims.

Manufacturers of these special glasses claim that they help reduce headaches, reduce eye strain, and improve melatonin secretion to reduce symptoms from blue light exposure. Researchers have not confirmed whether or not blocking blue light reduces symptoms following prolonged exposure to screens.

Some experts believe that instead of blue light toxicity, people may be experiencing symptoms from overusing technology. Computer vision syndrome, or digital eye strain, is a group of eye and vision problems that result from chronic exposure to screens.

Further study is necessary to determine whether or not devices can emit enough blue light to harm the eyes and vision. Long-term studies are necessary to investigate the harmful effects, if any, of chronic daily exposure to screens.

According to both the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the College of Optometrists, there is currently not enough evidence to support the use of blue light glasses.

For more information, check with your eye doctor to get their recommendations for protecting your eyes.

For more helpful eye care and vision care tips, please visit our main blog page.

Source: medicalnewstoday.com

Image by Luisella Planeta Leoni from Pixabay