Struggling with Dry Eyes? Aside from seeing your optometric physician and following his or her care plan, there are plenty of things you can do to help your progress:
- Turn off ceiling fans and point vents away from your face in the car or bedroom.
- Use a room humidifier in your bedroom with the door shut during winter months.
- Use heat on your eyelids for at least 5 minutes daily (look for microwavable eye masks) Always remove make-up and clean your lids before sleeping.
- Blink! We tend to reduce our blink rate when on devices—blink as often as you can remember. Also, every 20 minutes on the computer, take a 20 second breakand look 20 feet away. ( 20-20-20 rule) You can download the Donald Korb Blink Training App ( Apple | Android ) to help you remember to blink.
- Sleep goggles (masks) can help reduce tear evaporation at night and are especially helpful for those who use a CPAP machine or those who don’t close their eyes completely when they sleep. TranquilEyes or Onyix masks are available online.
- You can use preservative free artificial tears as needed along with any treatments we prescribe.
- Keep your follow up appointments! We start slowly and add therapies as needed. It may take a few visits and a precise combination of individualized treatments to find the best strategy for you.
- You can track your progress with the OSDI App ( Apple | Android )
- Increase Omega 3 Fatty Acids in your diet– Salmon, Walnuts, Sardines, & Broccoli
source: “Dry Eye and What You Can Do To Help” March. 2018, Web. March 18th, 2018.
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